A floral, complex cup to welcome the Year of the Snake
Just in time to welcome the Year of the Snake, we have launched a very special lot from Chevas Coffee Estate: the Venus. It almost didn't make it to Hong Kong in time due to various unforeseen delays (the December holidays and the challenging weather conditions in North America didn't help).
The Venus lot is a very complex cup – fragrances of candy, orange blossom, citrus, navel orange, strawberry, floral, and hibiscus tea. A very sweet and floral profile befitting the arrival of Spring.
About the Chevas Geisha Washed Venus Lot
The Venus lot cherries were harvested in a very special area of the El Salto farm known as El Choclo. It is a mountainous area with great shadow cover. After selecting the cherries, they were pulped and placed in a cold water tank for three days to remove the mucilage, followed by 27 days of drying under the sun. This process has yielded a sweet and floral cup.
The first Chevas farm was established in the Alto Chiquero region of Boquete, back in the 1970s. Later, two other farms were added in El Salto and Alto Quiel, each boasting distinctive microclimates and fertile, organic-rich soils. These farms, with elevations ranging from 1,500 to 1,750 m.a.s.l. enabled diverse coffee plants to thrive.
Chevas Coffee Estate is known for growing a range of coffee varieties, including Caturra, Marogogype, Catuai, Typica, and the globally acclaimed Geisha.